2015 Events
Below is a list of past events for 2015.
January 23-25
Clicker Expo
Portland, OR
Expo is always an exciting weekend that should not be missed by any trainer who wants to be challenged and exposed to new positive reinforcement concepts. This was the first year that Ken was serving as Exuctive VP and Chief Training Officer for Karen Pryor Clicker Training. Ken's presentations this year included a talk during the opening session titled Living the Clicker Life. The panel discussion this year was replaced with an interview with Karen Pryor, which Ken moderated and conducted. Other seminars included exciting breakthrough work in Concept Training: A Focus on Counting, other seminar or lab topics will include Non-Food Reinforcers and Scent Detection. This was our biggest ClickerExpo to date with over 550 people in attendance.
February 7-8
A Weekend with Ken Ramirez
Empire Working Dog Club
Rochester, NY
E-mail: calfalcon@yahoo.com for more info
Topics included Reinforcement Strategies: How to Use Non-Food Reinforcers, Handling Animal Mistakes, Complex Tools, Concept Training, Social Animals, and Evolution of the Modern Trainer. The seminar was sold out and we had some great discussions from a very inquisitive group.
March 14
Art & Science of Animal Training
University of North Texas, ORCA
Denton, TX
Ken was invited back once again for what is always a stimulating meeting featuring presentations by creative trainers from all over the world. Although it is only a one day event for the public, it is always worth it. Ken's topic this year was"Teaching Conceptual Thinking: It's Not Asking too Much of Your Dog!"
March 20-22
Clicker Expo
Expo is always an exciting weekend that should not be missed by any trainer who wants to be challenged and exposed to new positive reinforcement concepts. This will be the first year that Ken will be serving as Exuctive VP and Chief Training Officer for Karen Pryor Clicker Training. Ken's presentations this year will include a talk during the opening session titled Living the Clicker Life. The panel discussion this year will be replaced with an interview with Karen Pryor, which Ken will moderate and conduct. Other seminars will include exciting breakthrough work in Concept Training: A Focus on Counting, other seminar or lab topics will include Non-Food Reinforcers and Scent Detection.
March 28-29
A Weekened with Ken Ramirez
Noble Beast Dog Training
Denver, CO
Topics for the weekend included Reinforcement Strategies: How to Use Non-Food Reinforcers, Handling Animal Mistakes, Complex Tools, Concept Training (a general overview), Social Animals, Common Trainer Errors. Great group of trainers with wonderful questions. The seminar was held in a unique venue, the Rocky Mountain Air Museum.
April 14-18
Animal Behavior Management Association Annual Conference
Copenhagen, Denmark
Ken was been invited to be the keynote speaker at this year's conference. His topic was "The Changing Face of Training in the Modern Zoo; The Welfare Connection." There wer over 150 attendees from 24 nations.
April 19
International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants Conference
Chicago, IL
Ken was been invited to do two presentations for this conference. Introducing Highly Reactive & Aggressive Dogs - An Experiment and a discussion of Complex Tools. There were approximately 140 participants.
April 20-24
Professional Seminars for Zoological Trainers
Shedd Aquarium
Chicago, IL
e-mail enquiries to: kcathcart@sheddaquarium.org
This is a full graduate course adapted to a one-week format for zoo training professionals. An opportunity to take a full course and see Ken work with animals in his home setting, the beautiful Shedd Aquarium. Although originally designed for zoo trainers, many dog trainers take the course each year. This course filled up early, due to popular demand the course was offered twice in 2014, April and August. April sold out quickly and included a diverse group of enthusiastic trainers.
May 14-17
Dog Event 2015
Paris, France
This four day event was organized by French dog trainers Perrine Hubert and Benjamin Bonhomme. Ken wasl be featured on day 2, the 15th and focused on the training of people, his topics included: Evolution of the Modern Trainer, Recipe for Becoming a Top Trainer, Positive Reiforcement for the Workplace, and Consulting Skills. Susan Friedmann and Kathy Sdao also presented seminars on the other days. During the evening, special workshops were conducted by Chirag Patel, Kelly Gorman Dunbar, Joey Iverson, Grisha Stewart and Jo-Rosie Haffenden. It was a fun week that attracted over 130 attendees!
May 23-24
Training from Core to Complex:
The Many Faces of the Modern Trainer - in SPANISH
Curso Clicker
Madrid, Spain
This seminar was conducted in Spanish! Topics included Core Traiining Tools & Practices, Complex Tools, Teaching Reactive Dogs to Live Together (a special case study), Concept Training: Counting, the Evolution of the Modern Trainer and Consulting Skills. There were approximately 70 attendees - many repeats from Ken's last visit two years ago.
May 30-31
Seminar with Ken Ramirez
Prague Dog Sports Academy
Prague, Czech Republic
This seminar was translated into Czech, thus fewer topics for the weekend. Topics incuded Reinforcement Strategies (with some practical elements with guest dogs), Handling Animal Mmistakes, Positively, Concept Training (with some practical examples with dogs), Working with Groups of Animals. The event was sold out with 80 participants and 10 working dogs.
June 3-4 & 6-7
Training from Core to Complex:
The Many Faces of the Modern Trainer
Positive Animal Solutions
3-4 at Yorkshire Wildlife Park, UK
6-7 at Marwell Zoo in Hampshire, UK
Positive Animal Solutions brought Ken to the United Kingdom to conduct seminars for zookeepers, dog trainers, and others interested in positive reinforcement training. Topics included Core Traiining Tools & Practices (1st time in Europe), Complex Tools (new material, first time in Europe), Social Animals (1st time in Europe), Conservation Training (1st time in English in Europe). and Consulting Skills. These seminars were conducted within the hosting parks themselves and attendees will have full access to the park. Most of the material being presented during these two weekends was the first time Ken has presented this material in Europe. Both seminars were sold out with over 100 participants in each.
June 20-21
Weekend with Ken Ramirez
HEARTland Positive Dog Training
Kansas City, MO
Topics include Reinforcement Strategies, Handling Animal Mistakes, Comples Tools, Concept Training, Working with Groups of Animals, and Conservation Training. It was a great group with over 60 participants over the Father's Day weekend in Oalathe.
July 18-19
Weekend with Ken Ramirez
Huntsville Obedience Training Club
Huntsville, AL
Topics included Non-Food Reinforcers, Handling Animal Mistakes, Complex Tools, Working with Groups oof Animals, and an introduction to Concept Training. This sold out seminar had 65 participants who were engaged and asked lots of great questions.
August 7-14
Five Go to Sea
Alaska 2015 Adventure
Seattle, WA
After a great success in 2014 cruising and talking training in the Caribbean, the adventure continues in 2015 with a cruise to Alaska! This unique training seminar begins in Seattle, crusies through Alaska's Inside Passage, and ends back in Seattle. While at Sea, the five individuals referenced in the title - Ken, Alexandra Kurland, Kay Laurence, Jesus Rosales Ruiz, and YOU - willl engage in wonderful positive reinforcement training discussions. Three days of presentations and learning activities, dinner with the presenters, and excursions throughout Alaska! Although Jesus was unable to attend the cruise, the participants had a great time and some excellent discussions and game playing.
August 17-21
Professional Seminars for Zoological Trainers
Shedd Aquarium
Chicago, IL
e-mail enquiries to: kcathcart@sheddaquarium.org
This is a full graduate course adapted to a one-week format for zoo training professionals. An opportunity to take a full course and see Ken work with animals in his home setting, the beautiful Shedd Aquarium. Although originally designed for zoo trainers, many dog trainers take the course each year. This course fills up early, please send an e-mail the e-mail address listed above if you'd like to be put on the waiting list. Due to popular demand the course is being offered twice in 2015, April and August. We had 25 engaged students. It was a great class again.
August 22 – October 17 (Every Saturday)
WIU Graduate Course on Animal Training
Western Illinois University (class at Shedd Aquarium)
Chicago, IL
The class is a graduate version of Ken's week long course for professionals. Students must register and qualify through Western Illinois University. This was Ken's 19th year teaching this class.
September 27 - October 2
International Marine Animal Trainers Association Conference
Nassau, Bahamas
Ken conducted an introduction to training seminar and an advanced seminar before the start of this confernece, the annual IMATA conference is an excellent place to meet trainers and talk training. Despite Hurricane Joaquin impacting the Bahamas toward the end of the conference, it was an excellent conference with some very good papers.
October 23-25
Clicker Expo EUROPE!
Warwickshire, England
Clicker Expo traveled to Europe for the second year in a row. Ken is excited that Expo Europe appears to be a regular happening now! Faculty and topics can be found at the ClickerExpo web-site, click on the link above. Great turn out and excellent group of advanced trainers.
November 14-15
Taking Your Skills to the Next Level
This was Ken's first public seminar in Belgium. He discussed non-food reinforcers, complex tools, working with multiple animals, and shared secrets of being a good and successful consultant as well as other topics. There were over 50 participants in attendance with a good level of experience.
November 18-19
Training Seminar (for Zookeeprs, Horse Trainers, & Dog Trainers)
Ibbenbueren, Germany
This seminar was designed for zookeepers but covered a breadth of topics appropriate for trainers of any species of animal. Topics included Basic & Advanced Operant Conditioning, Non-Formal Interactions, Variety, Medical Training, Dealing with Aggression, and Problem Solving. Great attendance from the zoo community as well as many domestic animal traiiners.
December 12-13
A Weekend with Ken Ramirez
Marin Humane Society
Novato, CA
Ken will be teaching the following topics for the weekend: Core Training Tools & Practices; Complex Tools; An Overview of Concept Training; and A Look at Aggression Management (including a case study).