2011 Events
Below is a partial list of past events from 2011. For upcoming events in 2011 please return to main events page.
January 21-23
Karen Pryor's Clicker Expo
Newport Beach, CA
Multiple speakers and topics, many were new for 2011. Ken presented a new seminar entitiled Aggression Treatment and Context. This new seminar was introduced by Karen Pryor; Ken looked at the more common or popular aggression treatment plans and discussed the science behind each treatment as well his thoughts about their appropriate use. This potentaily controversial subject was well received. Ken's other topics included Concept Training: Mimicry; Smart Reinforcement; and Simplifying Complex Tools. Victoria Stilwell, trainer and host of the show It's Me or the Dog was a special guest for this particular Expo, she delighted attendees with a behind the scenes look at her show and fascinating stories about the shows inception.
February 5
Marine Mammal Training - An Overview
University of Wisconsin at Madison, Veterinary School
Madison, WI
Broad overview of training in a zoological setting. Primary topics included Training 101: Overview of Operant Conditioning in a Zoological Setting; Husbandry Training: Modern Tools and Solutions; Problem Solving: A Strategic Approach; and Evolution of the Modern Trainer. This event was attended by many enthusiastic veterinary students.
February 19
Art & Science of Animal Training
University of North Texas
Denton, TX
Ken presented on a new topic: Conservation Connection: Training to Save Wildlife. This has been a long-time passion of Ken's - he focused on many of the unique and inspiring ways
that behavioral knowledge has been put to use to save wildlife and assist in conservation efforts. Other speakers included: Paul Andronis, Bob Bailey, Kay Laurence, Phung Luu, and
Steve White.
February 24-27
Full Day Behavioral Track
Midwest Veterinary Conference
Columbus, OH
Ken presented 12 separate 1-hour classes over two days, Sat & Sun the 26th & 27th. Training 101 (2 parts); Developing Shaping Plans; Husbandry Training (2
parts); Group Training (working with more than one animal at a time); Aggression Reducation Strategies; Problem Solving (2 parts); Advanced Reinofrcement (2 parts); and
Insights of a Training Consultant.
Many other instructors and presentations in over 20 concurrent sessions. There were nearly 5000 attendees to this conference. It was Ken's first time speaking to this group. Attendance at his sessions was quite good and he enjoyed the questions and interactions between sessions.
March 5-6
Wisconsin Humane Society Fund Raiser
Radisson Hotel
Milwaukee, WI
Full day seminar on animal training. Topics included: Why Training Matters; Training 101 - A Practical Look at the Science; Reinforcement Strategies; and Evolution of the Modern
Trainer. A smaller special invitation Sunday session focused on Positive Reinforcement in the Workplace. Ken was impressed with this well-run and first-class facility.
March 6-11
Animal Training Applications in Zoo & Aquarium Settings
Association of Zoos & Aquariums
Orlando, FL
A unique hands-on seminar designed especially for zoo & aquarium professionals. Ken's approach to basic training is complimented and augmented by several other world-class trainers and
instructors. This course includes the opportunity to train a small animal in class and the opportuntity to observe training in action with a wide variety of species at Disney's Animal
Kingdom. Other instructors: Marty McPhee, Grey Stafford, Michelle Skurski, Emily Insalaco.
March 18-20
Karen Pryor's Clicker Expo
Chicago, IL
Multiple speakers and topics, many were new for 2011. Ken presented a new seminar entitiled Aggression Treatment and Context (introduced at January's Expo).
This seminar looks at the more common or popular aggression treatment plans and discuss the science behind each treatment as well his thoughts about their appropriate use. Ken's other
topics included Concept Training: Mimicry; Smart Reinforcement; and Simplifying Complex Tools. The special guest speaker for this Expo was Dr. Patricia McConnell, she spoke elloquently about
animal cognition and animal emotions. Her talk really convinced Ken that he needs to publish his research and training on mimicry.
March 26-27
Advanced Training Concepts
Animal Rescue League of Iowa
Des Moines, IA
Advanced training for employees and supporters of the Animal Rescue League. Seminars included Basic Operant Conditioining; Reinforcement Strategies; Cross-Species Training; Aggression Reduction Strategies & Problem Solving; Complex Tools; and Evolution of the Mondern Trainer. This seminar was attended by employees and volunteers at this first rate shelter as well as by various trainers from the midwest. Executive Director Tom Colvin has helped to build and create a state of the art shelter that takes in cats, dogs, bunnies, horses, and many other animals. Ken was impressed with the care and detail that went into the design of this facility. Pet Behavior and Enrichment Manager Mick McAuliffe has been with the shelter for nearly two years and has put together a wonderful program that insures that training is an important part of each animal's life.
May 9-13
Operant Conditioning: from Dogs to Dolphins and Beyond
WATA Italy
Rimini, ITALY
e-mail: acciaimonica@tiscali.it
The Italian marine mammal community and dog training community have joined forces to bring Ken to Italy for a full week and indepth seminar. Ken will take a multi-species approach to both basic and advanced training techniques for professional trainers - although the focus will be dolphins and dogs, a multitude of species will be used as examples. The final day of the seminar includes a visit to Park Oltremare to see dolphin and bird shows. This proved to be a wonderful week with nearly 50 participants from 10 countries, inlcluding Italy, U.K., Estonia, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Hungary, Greece, and the Czeck Republic. It was an enthusiastic group that highlighted just how hungry trainers in Europe are for these types of classes. Ken came away inspired by the dedication of the trainers and keepers throughout Europe and is hopeful to return soon for additional seminars.
*2011 Scholarship Winner: Paula Marsten
May 27-31
Appled Behavior Analysis in the Zoological Environment
Association for Behavior Analysis International
Denver, CO
This annual conference focuses on the science of behavioral analysis in many diverse settings. Ken was asked to present an invited tutorial on zoological applications and to moderate a session of zoological papers.
July 22-23
Seminar with Sdao & Ramirez
Narnia Pet Behavior & Training
Plainfield, IL (Chicago area)
Other instructor: Kathy Sdao. Kathy will be speaking on Saturday, while Ken will start the weekend on Friday with three different seminar topics: Reinforcement Strategies; Problem Solving;
and Evolution of the Modern Trainer.
August 22-26
Professional Seminars for Zoological Trainers
Shedd Aquarium
Chicago, IL
e-mail enquiries to: adults@sheddaquarium.org
Full graduate course adapted to a one-week format for training professionals. An opportunity to take a full course and see Ken work with animals in his home setting, the beautiful Shedd
Aquarium. This year the course had a high level of experience in the attendees of the seminar with half the attendees working with exotic animals and the other half working with dogs.
This course always proves to be one of the most stimulating in Ken's year becuase of the level of questions and serious professional focus of most of the attendees.
*2011 Scholarship Winner: Jo Hayes
August 27-October 15
WIU Graduate Course: "Animal Training"
Western Illinois University at Shedd Aquarium
Chicago, IL
16th year offering a full course on animal training as part of graduate and certificate program at Western Illinois University.
September 18-23
Specialized Training Seminars
International Marine Animal Trainers Association
Special Conference Seminars
Miami, FL
Intro to Training full day seminar on September 18th. This is a pre-conference seminar offered for an extra fee the day prior to the start of the actual conference. This year there were 90 participants in this seminar - it was a very engaged and international group.
October 22-23
Weekend with Ken Ramirez
Helix Fairweather's Cyber Agility
Salem, OR
Plans for this two day seminar include some time with dogs each day that attendees may bring with them. Topics planned include: Reinforcement Strategies; Problem Solving; Concept Training: Modifier Cues; The Complete Trainer; and Evolution of the Modern Trainer. This seminar had a great turnout and some very enthusiastic trainers.
October 29-30
Weekend with McConnell & Ramirez
The Sheraton Madison Hotel
Madison, WI
A two day seminar with Dr. Patricia McConnell and Ken. Vist Dr. Patricia McConnell's website for details and to register. Ken's topics on Sunday will include: Problem Solving; Reinforcement Strategies; and Evolution of the Modern Trainer. On day one, Patricia's focus will be on advanced canine behavior and she will look at some new studies and fascinating information that you won't want to miss.
November 26-27
Training with Ken Ramirez
Nordens Ark
Aby Manor, Bohuslan, SWEDEN
Ken was in Sweden for nearly two weeks conducting private seminars for several zoological organizations. Nordens Ark sponsored a full day seminar for the public. That seminar covered several topics including: Why Trainning Matters, Cross-Species Training, Dealing with Animal Mistakes, and Advanced Tools. Ken had a great week meeting trainers from all over the country. In addition to the public seminar listed above, he conducted a week long seminar for trainers at Kolmardens Zoo, and a one-day seminar for zookeepers from around the region at the Boras Zoo. It was a great way to end the 2011 season.
Can't afford to attend one of Ken's seminars? Looking for career or training advice? Apply for one of these unique opportunities. For more information see application below.
2011 Scholarship Winners: Paula Marsten and Jo Hayes
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